Super Bowl Version XLVIII.2

140203-super-bowl-version-XLVIII.2-obamaHate to drag politics into the sports, but I didn’t want to miss out on Super Bowl Version XLVIII.2. First, Team Obama tweeted The One throwing a football. Then Bill O’Reilly interviewed him.

Dr. Krauthammer says the interview was better than the game and the score was closer.

Dana Milbank says O’Reilly treated President Obama like a guest on the Factor. Which is to say, not well. O’Reilly’s interruptions were annoying but Obama would have verbally stonewalled him if he let him. Instead he blamed his problems on Fox.

As it was Obama booted questions on Benghazi and Republicans have yet to recover the ball (view from 6:24-7:37).

Super Bowl Version XLVIII.2 Update:

Fox New’s Catherine Herridge nails the CIA for knowing the attack in Benghazi had nothing to do with demonstrations gone wild, yet the director changed talking points allowing Susan Rice to blame the attacks on protests about a video.


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